Be peaceful & powerful
Discover tools that improve your overall well being and exercises that awaken your inner warrior spirit
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Discover tools that improve your overall well being and exercises that awaken your inner warrior spirit
-Parker J. Palmer
-Maryam Hasnaa
- Melanie Koularis
🪻I hope you find what you are seeking, honored to help you, even if it isn't here ☮️➕💙 Eric
Eric is a Certified Reiki Master (Level II) who helps ground, release and activate energy throughout the entire body using the original, eastern Jikidan Reiki style of hands on practice, though he is also schooled in the Western style of reiki as well. Individual sessions are personalized to also include a variety of guided meditations, breathwork exercises, acupressure/trigger point therapy, manual /cupping massage, craniosacral therapy techniques, somato-emotional release, sound healing, chakra balancing, crystal attunement, Shamanist ritual cleansing practices, Tarot card readings & more. Essential oils, CBD ointments, herbal teas and infused tinctures are included and specifically selected as needed for further internal holistic healing. Eric has assisted with sound healings offered at Mesa Rim Rock Climbing Yoga Studio as well as cacao and medicine ceremonies throughout the Southern California region. Prior to the pandemic shut down, you could find him regularly leading his weekly sound healing classes at Union Yoga studio every Sunday evening. Eric is near completion of his Yin Yoga Teacher Certification, studying under his favorite Yin Yoga teacher and dear friend, Pearl Mann. Eric recently has apprenticed under Shunya Maeda for Western Reiki Level 1 and plans to continue apprenticing further to discover the different offerings between the varied styles. He will be hosting and apprenticing for Reiki Level 2 (Western Style) this spring at his event space. He has begun being mentored by Chris Harris in Merpati Putih ("White Dove"), an ancient energetic martial arts system incorporating energy healing/health, vibration detection, intuitive sensing, inner power building, breathwork, meditation, movement and combat. He has been asked to support Living Body Lab Tantra specialists at several of their weekly series and weekend workshops with space holding, musicianship and partnering participants. He was also selected to be a cast member in their Sizzle Reel production, filming a Tantra workshop being pitched to streaming networks to develop an episodic series educating the masses about approachable tantric practices that can help build more internal comfort within the more vulnerable aspects of our inner selves that may block our desired connection with self and others we care about developing various levels of intimacy with. Eric has begun training and volunteered to learn Equine Assisted Therapy, incorporating the therapeutic aspects of horses with humans' relationships to them, successfully completing Hippotherapy Treatment Principals in 2022. Now he is collaborating with his friend Samantha Hoffman in helping her run her Equine Energetics group therapy meditation circles with her two loving horses Brassy and Milo. He is in the process of completing his Orthopedic Myofascial Certification Course to perfect various bodywork skill sets including but not limited to trigger point therapy, myofascial release techniques, PNF stretching and cupping.
Eric has a Master's of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy, a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Health and Occupation, a minor in Spanish and Psychology which he uses to help clients find balance in their lives using a relaxed conversational Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach. For those prepared for more intensive inner work, Eric also prepares clients for and guides people safely through plant medicine experiences through coaching, music, breathwork, activating and grounding energy/emotions. After their journeys, he assists his clients in the processing of their psychological and emotional breakthroughs to assure practical and sustained integration from the insights gained from a variety of plant medicines (cacao, rapé, conscious cannabis ceremonies) & beyond. Some approaches are drawn from the Life Purpose Institute Spiritual Life Coaching Method. In 2022, he studied a variety of psychodynamic approaches and psychosomatic techniques through the Professional Education Systems Institute including but not limited to ACT, ARC, Polyvagal, EMDR, psychodrama, hypnosis and Ketamine Assisted Therapy. In 2023, he completed courses focused on children, adolescents and adults to stay up to speed with the latest advances and proven techniques with the following diagnostic areas: PTSD, OCD, Relational Trauma, Anxiety disorders (GAD, Social Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Phobias) and Narcissistic Abuse. He attended the largest international Psychedelic Science Conference in history in June 2023 as well as the Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Global Summit virtual event in July 2023 to remain up to date on the latest neuroscience research data on effective techniques and approaches while respecting varied indigenous tribal heritages, cultures and practices. He has completed the Living Medicine Institute Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy Level One Training for Therapists. Eric is a board member for the Inner Compass Church and has accepted the position of Lead Integration Specialist as appointed by the organization's founder. Eric is connected to several medicine tribe families in the local SoCal region from Los Angeles to San Diego. He is also connected to many medicine workers and healers of various methods outside his region to help find you the right medicine and practitioner that fits your needs.
Awaken your inner warrior spirit with martial arts, self-defense and weapons training including archery, swordplay, hatchet/knife/shuriken/ninja dart throwing and much more. Eric is a black belt in Krav Maga, the Israeli Army's highly effective combat system, which includes a system of martial arts techniques including but not limited to Jujitsu, weapon offense and defense. He also has years of experience in a variety of other martial arts including but not limited to Wing Chun Kung Fu, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, Boxing, Aikido, Tai Chi, and several Karate styles with weapons training from different systems. As a high level color belt in Tae Kwon Do, he was the 2018 California State Champion in weapons and also medaled in traditional weapons at the 2018 Regionals Tournament representing California, competing against other top 10 competitors from several states. He was the 2019 California State Champion in the 7 remaining events that are available to compete in. As a recommended black belt, he received 1 silver and 1 bronze medal at Nationals in Traditional Forms and Combat Sparring in his first National level tournament. Competing as a blackbelt the following year against higher ranked blackbelts, he earned 3 bronze medals in Creative Forms, Extreme Forms and Extreme Weapons in 2020 right before the pandemic halted live competition. When the tournament year resumed post pandemic lock down, he landed 3 gold medals at the Regional Tournament in the same categories. He ended the 2020 season by competing as the only level 1 blackbelt against level 2 through 5 blackbelts at the (invite only) Tournament of Champions, earning a World Championship Bronze Medal in Extreme Weapons with his double nunchaku routine. He started the 2021 season, by sweeping Nationals with 4 golds in all of the extreme martial arts events. He also competed at the 2021 ATA International World Championship level tournament and won 2 golds and 2 silvers, even besting a competitor from the 18 to 29 year old age bracket in his ring. He ended the 2021 season by being the highest ranked (in points) blackbelt in his bracket to be invited again to the Tournament of Champions, where he became a World Champion in July 2022 by winning 1 gold medal in Creative Forms and 1 gold medal in Extreme Forms. He also won a silver medal in his Extreme Weapons performance with double nunchaku and a bronze medal in his Creative Weapons performance with a staff. After achieving his goal of becoming a Taekwondo World Champion in the 30-39 year old blackbelt bracket, he is considering retiring from Taekwondo Competition. He took a break from the competition circuit and is now training to receive nis next level blackbelt degree. He trains blackbelt students at Legacy Martial Arts in sparring with Master Suyat. He spars weekly in the style he coined "Muay Thai Kwon Do" incorporating elements of both styles into one, boxing and MMA with Master Suyat. He also trains in Krav Maga, Kali, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, boxing, kickboxing, self-defense, and tricking at KickForce Martial Arts. (See martial arts videos on other webpages). More recently he has started focusing on training more in fencing.
Energy healing sessions with Eric have helped unleash the ME within me that I never believed I was worthy, capable, or valid of standing with alone. Gaining awareness of the situations, thoughts, and behaviors (objectively, the maladaptive coping mechanisms) that kept me blocked from myself both served as an exercise in making space for myself, as well as shed light on the depth and (perceived) purpose of upholding such distance and separation.
In the safe spaces of his healing sanctuary and his abundant support, Eric provides individualized guidance as I explore my pain and trauma without judgment. He figuratively held a mirror up for me to see where I was out of integrity and alignment with myself. He never told me what to do or invalidated my journey; rather, he guided me back to myself when I thought I was lost and didn’t want to search.
Initially when venturing into these uncharted waters I did not trust myself. The safety of the healing environment supported me to realize that what I have experienced in life was not all my fault. The untruth I clung tightly to, that I had not experienced any trauma in life, was being upheld by my eating disorder's efforts to keep me disconnected from myself. If I stayed numb, I would not have to acknowledge myself or any of the pain and suffering, past or present related to it. If there was distance from this truth, I felt safer. However, unable to be fully honest with myself, I was never able to get any closer to myself or move beyond that point with greater inner peace, truer self-awareness and sensitivity inside and outside of my self.
With my recovery team and healing guru Eric, I began navigating the complexities of my eating disorder. I also gained greater insights into the origins of my thoughts, feelings and perceptions of my body. Subsequently, I gained a more accurate and stable sense of self worth.
I learned that I had not been medically, cognitively, or nutritionally stable. I also came to understand that just because I didn't already have the tools to nurture the mind-body connection, that is nothing to blame myself for. To gain control over the residues of my past, I needed to allow my body to have the full range of experiences that deeply and viscerally contradict the helplessness and collapse that result from trauma.
It quickly became clear that I held my trauma in my body; physically, specifically, in my stomach and abdominal area. By starving myself, literally and metaphorically, was remaining disconnected to the area of myself that needed the most nurturing. Upholding those maladaptive (albeit protective) behaviors would never afford me the ability to connect with myself in the ways I needed to, to improve my health and relationship with self and others.
There was a harsh reality shock that my physical body was not just a toxic heap of matter. It was screaming to be heard, cared for, and loved. This led me to seek out opportunities to listen to and connect with my physical self, and I intended to do so by creating a structured, safe environment that included professional healing support.
I did not completely let go of expectations and beliefs that this work would be too painful to endure. Instead, with encouragement and support I had not had prior, I added moments of self validation and leaned into the discomfort. This was accomplished in part with healing sessions where new skills and sensations would be introduced, considered, felt, and processed.
The only way through is through, and any awareness of my physical self was bound to be a profound part of my journey to connect with myself. I'm just glad I found Eric to help accompany me on the way to finding a happier, healthier version of my truest self. I am now living the best and fullest life I have ever lived with peace and joy and have been for a while now sustainably.
So, I was and am in the process of going through a very intense spiritual journey. When I had shared this with 2 different people, both had recommended Eric, as they were satisfied clients of his. I checked out his website and wasn't sure if we would be able to connect enough as people so I didn't give him a chance. I said, "No thank you" because I am tired of others playing God and telling me what I should be doing with my life. Then, soon after this, I mentioned to a third person where I was at with seeking guidance and clarity on my new and confusing journey, and he too, recommended ... Eric. I thought it was ridiculous and a very clear sign, so I called him. When I explained my journey to Eric and asked if he was willing and/or capable of helping guide me, he said, "Hell yes!" I am a skeptical person and at first was hesitant to buy into anything but as it turns out, Eric is such a beautiful person that I have completely renamed him ... "Beloved".
We started my individual sessions with him with me still hesitant but soon after I signed up for an individual ceremony with Eric to address some serious early childhood trauma. A one on one ceremony was recommended to provide a private space and personal attention in case there was any intense energy and emotion that would not be able to be held in the same way in a group ceremony. It wasn't what I was expecting but it actually wound up being pretty peaceful with Eric and I got out of it exactly what I needed to.
This was good preparation for a group ceremony which Eric helped set me up with and prepare me for next. Eric guided me along the way in preparation for and attended the group ceremony weekend with me in support as a cofacilitator. My first night was frustrating as it was not what I was expecting, which I shared with the group. Eric made sure to find me and make time to process the previous night's ceremony together. This guidance from Eric was key to help me find more significance and meaning from the messages I received the first night but also helped guide the way in which I received the lessons of the second night from a much more peaceful accepting place which served me much better.
Then he and I resumed one on one sessions after the weekend where, per my request, he has taught me how to hold my own ceremonies for myself. This included teaching me how to set up my own alter, cleanse the space with various shamanic tools, playing traditional instruments and singing prayer songs from different cultures to protect the space and call in positive energies.
He provided me with his own medicine which was potent and effective. After all of his teachings, I was able to guide myself on my own journey successfully to achieve exactly the spiritual experience and gain the wisdom that I was desiring before I even knew Eric existed. I have been so pleased with my "Beloved" Eric that I am now in regular training with him to soak up all that I can from his years of experience to emulate his journey of discovery in the honor and service of others.
I reached out to Eric when I was having difficulties with my first and only pregnancy. We had bonded years prior supporting each other in our first ayahuasca ceremony together. We were both supposed to experience it all together with a close mutual friend who bailed at the last minute. I have an anxiety disorder so my anxiety went through the roof and I almost didn't go. However, our mutual friend reassured me that I would be in the best of hands with Eric, as I had only met him a few times prior socially. I made the right decision to go with Eric, as he was supportive from the moment he picked me up to carpool, to the second he dropped me back off. Even during his first aya ceremony, Eric was checking in with me, holding space for me and helping me process afterwards and I have never been the same since, as the entire experience was life enhancing, with Eric being a significant part of that.
So at 5 months pregnant I was deep in the depths of struggle emotionally, physically, psychologically and energetically. I was feeling pretty lost, hormonal and worried about the implications on my baby's health. I also had a falling out with one of my best friends. I was dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, that was also high risk for birth defects! On top of all of the stress and conflicts that was causing for my partner and I. At the time, I had felt that I had no one to turn to because of fear of judgement and the opinions of others. And eventhough I only had remained minimally in contact with Eric, being assured of his nonjudgemental nature and lifestyle, I trusted that he would be able to handle me in the delicate way my fragile state required. Of course, I intuited correctly as Eric had nothing but compassion for my situation. We chose to focus part of the reiki session on my baby as well, which he directed with grace and ease. I left our session feeling lighter and with a sense of clarity of what I needed to do. I had previously been plagued by nightmares about the health of my baby and his future development being negatively impacted by my distressed state during pregnancy. After only one session, not only did my relationships and overall well being improve but all the nightmares never came back!
Shortly thereafter, I had a close friend who wanted to participate in an all female plant medicine ceremony due to having had traumatic experiences that made her feel less comfortable around males. However, there were only co-ed ceremonies available in the near future and she needed help quickly. I could not accompany her while I was pregnant so I asked Eric to attend on my behalf and guardian her through it. Without hesitation, Eric was willing to help and make it happen on her timeline. I personally handed her off into Eric's guardianship care the day of ceremony as she was very apprehensive. In fact, right before they were about to sit, she was going to bail and try to leave but Eric noticed this shift from just a look on her face. He offered to speak with her in private where he was able to calm her down, ground her in her resiliency and reconnect her to the reasons she came so she decided to stay. There were several moments that were pivotal for Eric to step up to assure that she had a safe and positive first experience and he came through for her just like I had trusted him to. Eric read the room and saw how she was sat next to a male with misaligned energy and advocated that they be moved from one another. Later on that night, that same male participant wound up expressing himself in various ways that would have made her experience further traumatizing. Eric was able to assure that this participant's behavior remained in check to not disturb the rest of the circle and then removed him from the group himself. Had he not been present, her healing journey may have never begun or began and not ended . We definitely need more healers, like Eric, in this world!
I began my spiritual path towards enlightenment with a leap of faith into Eric’s spiritual mentorship and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques, after knowing him as a friend for a few years. My goal was to dive deep into my persona trauma(s) and work inwards by healing a broken heart at first. During each session, with Eric’s ability to be kind and patient, I found the courage in my voice and the strength I needed to start breaking down, one by one, the bricks I had built around myself with my insecurities and my self-created illusions. Ultimately, my coach’s experience level and accurately intuitive understanding, created an effective individualized experience to meet me wherever I found myself to be in each session. Eric is very busy with his own goals and pursuits, which is what makes him a good coach. But no matter what he was going through personally in his own life, he always made it a priority for me to come in to be seen and heard, even on short notice.
Eric was sensitive to my voiced concerns and sensitivities around men, proximity to men in private spaces from the very beginning not once pushing past any boundaries or comfort levels. He let me lead with what I was comfortable with, meeting in open air spaces, doing hands off reiki and energy work for a while before I naturally became more comfortable around him. Having a safe space to return to and be confident within opened up opportunities for self-growth. Learning from Eric all of the different spiritual techniques and practices that helped me feel better in and after his sessions, with his encouragement and guidance along the way whenever I needed it, I began exploring my own spirituality more and developing my own spiritual practices with decks and books he would let me borrow or have. Eventually I was even able to uncover some spiritual gifts of my own which I still am progressing with to this day!
Because Eric recognized I have a strong willingness to learn and put into practice what he offered, Eric gave me guidance towards discovering my own answers rather than just telling me directly what it could be. I quote Josef Albers, “Good teaching is more a giving the right questions than of giving the right answers.”, which corresponds with Eric’s teaching style. In sessions, he explains what he's doing whenever appropriate, to teach you and put the power back into your own hands to do it all for yourself (so you don't need to come back to see him for what you need) which is a self-less approach. Yet, even with this approach, I have been seeing him regularly on and off whenever needed for several years now as the more I learn and grow, the more Eric has to share with me to get to the next step of where I want to be, having walked a similar path himself already.
His style remains fluid, based upon my energy and what I need each time. But early on, \ he noticed that it was important for me to talk things out first and update him with what was going on in a talk therapy session to help process together what was coming up in the moment. This went as long as I needed, with me never feeling rushed by him once. Talk therapy was then typically followed by whatever he intuited was needed, but he would also allow me to offer my input to voice what it was I was feeling called towards or not. Sometimes this was a sound healing to calm the nervous system, a tarot reading to help me with a hard decision, a personally individuated guided meditation to help me focus healing and offer opportunities for somato-emotional release with what had already been brought to the surface in the talk therapy session. The latter part of the session was geared towards clearing a physical, mental, psychological, emotional, energetic blocks or combinations theirein; and/or finding clarity on whatever came forward in my sessions. He always stuck with me no matter how long it took for me to feel complete.
He always left enough time at the end of the healing portions of the session to settle back slowly into my consciousness more fully and offer time & space to discuss & reflect on these experiences and help with interpreting the answers I felt I was receiving so that I was more grounded in the present and confident with the future before I left his supportive presence.
Eric has always been there for me in the ups and downs to help me bounce back strong at my weakest moments. I will be forever grateful for the level of consistent compassion Eric has generously given me and the many lessons I have received and continue to receive through his program. These lessons of self-worth, self-love, and rediscovery have led to my own passion towards becoming a better advocate for myself, better partner, better friend, better business owner, better employee, and better teacher in my life career path. Thank you Eric for becoming the bridge of light over the dark void to mend these pieces back together again Eric. xoxo
Just one bodywork session with Eric brought me a type of comfort that I had legitimately forgotten existed. After severely breaking my back three years prior from falling several stories, I did all the physical therapy and all the mindful adjustments to my lifestyle. Yet, no matter how consistent I was with therapy, or how mindful I was about how I used my energy, there were some deeply painful spots in my back that I put into a category of “I give up. It’ll just always be like this” with maybe a sad little sigh of “this is my new reality; deal with it.” I became accustomed to chronic pain, but he was able to break up that reality and show me a new reality of healing. The way we communicated prior to the appointment showed he had genuine interest in my history, which created a metaphysical sense of ease going into the experience. He even asked my for my medical records and reviewed it along with my X-rays to help guide his approach!
A vulnerable side note worth mentioning is that I have a general struggle with receiving, may it be a compliment or a simple act of service. During my bodywork session, his peaceful healing energy opened my heart and I realized I had decided years ago that receiving means you must surrender. In such a flow state, my mind was able to speak to my heart and soul to let them know that just because my mind connects surrendering to weakness or giving up, (which has been key in my healing journey), it doesn’t mean that’s always true. Surrendering can be a case-by-case basis, and in this case it’s beneficial!
In Eric’s healing space I was healed physically with his gifts of skilled therapeutic massage, but also set up, encouraged and supported in a way that I could also heal myself in a deep emotional way at the same time. Because without surrendering myself, how could I possibly find healing? I was stopping myself from healing because receiving was connected to a negative connotation of surrendering. This suddenly seemed silly to me during an epiphany that emerged within my first session with Eric. This new definition of surrendering as a way to allow healing has stuck with me since that session and overflowed into many areas of my life. We have the power to heal ourselves, and with a healer’s touch we can be reminded that we are capable of ascending our fears and redefining toxic things that are usually self-created.
I met Eric at a few of the community events he hosts at his Healing Haven. At one in particular he was MCing for a new dance troupe debut. At this event of 50 or more people, which can be a lot for me, he was explaining our various senses in detail before we were to go off an explore each sense in the room he curated for each. At this point, we discussed that he might be able to help me out as an Occupational Therapist.
I saw Eric for sensory integration therapy shortly after this event. My employment and financial situation was currently complicated but Eric lead the discussion on payment methods and was open to all sorts of options including using my insurance. This alleviated concerns of being prohibited from receiving the help that I was seeking.
Eric made me feel comfortable from the beginning, and expressed empathy and understanding over the things I was experiencing. The environment he provided was considerate of my sensory needs and I was free to make adjustments and requests within his setting as needed, which he made sure of making clear from the start. ... It was refreshing, for someone who's experience and comfort level can turn on a dime with some subtle shift that most people wouldn't even notice. Eric understood this well and normalized this experience, encouraging me to value my state within the container he provided and offering me the agency to exert more control over the environment which also decreased my anxieties around this coming up for me.
We started with creating a thorough personal profile of my sensory issues which he evaluated with a formal assessment. He asked lots of really good questions to dig deeper. He scored the assessment right on the spot and explained all of the results clearly to me.
He gave me recommendations for coping with and improving my experiences. He has connections with lots of great practitioners that he was able to refer me to as well. He was able to give me options in a range of prices for therapeutic tools, and put together follow-up information with links and resources to the things we we discussed, which took the work out of remembering, taking notes, and looking up everything. He showed me various trigger point therapy techniques in session that I could do on my own and then after sent pictures and detailed descriptions of each exercise we reviewed in the session so that I could do it on my own.
As a woman with ADHD and suspected autism, I was frustrated trying to find resources and help with the things that were making everyday life difficult and leading to burnout. Eric validated my experience and helped me cope. I haven't had a chance to try everything we talked about yet, but what I have tried has helped.
Leaving our appointment I felt lighter and more hopeful for the future. I wasn't able to immediately attend follow-up appointments, but I'm sure those who can would benefit even more. I highly recommend seeing him for your sensory integration needs.
In my experience....
Reiki is a renewing of energy. A gift of peace. A healing* that allowed me to breathe again - deeply. After my session with Eric, my first words were, “I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.” A weight that I didn’t even realize I was carrying! (We love to place heavy burdens, we weren’t even meant to bare on ourselves, right?)
Feelings of hope and peace radiated from my soul. The dark feelings of anxiety, unnecessary guilt, and insecurity gone. To prepare for the hands-on healing, we drank tea, and talked about work, relationships, past and present, anything that I brought forth as troubling. I unloaded my baggage and put everything on the table, as I wanted to gain the most insight and healing from this session as I could. With that said, I was completely blown away! Eric pulled out all the stops: sage cleansing, essential oils, Om wands, crystals, Tibetan bells and singing bowls, etc. The pure, light energy in the room gave me the opportunity to connect with my twin sister... in heaven! Which I am forever grateful for.
Overall, I believe my time with Eric balanced and strengthened the connection between my mind, body, and spirit. Meaning, I trust my gut more than ever before, know myself better and feel at peace with the decisions I've made to get here. Now, with a newly discovered gratitude for where I am in life, I will continue to 'intentionally' follow my heart. I wish you the same lasting peace that I have now found with Eric's help.
I recently had my first Reiki experience with Eric, and it was simply amazing. I am a person who tends to overthink which leads to anxiety. I often have a hard time living in the moment because I think about the past and worry about the future. During the session, Eric knew exactly what I needed. For the first time in my life I was able to totally clear my mind, and I felt completely calm. I could physically feel negative energy leaving my body through my core which left me with positive energy throughout my mind and body. After the session I had a restful night of sleep and woke up full of energy the next morning. I truly believe that Eric has a special gift, and I would recommend him to anyone who is looking for a healing experience.
I first meet Eric at a recent plant medicine ceremony where he was holding space for the group as a Guardian. I came to the Ceremony as an avid Atheist, who had just on the ride up to the Ceremony belittled the idea of Reiki to my friend in the car. I tried to keep an open mind but had very little expectations for the weekend. The first day was eventful to say the least, and I approached the second day with excitement and wonder. However, it started off VERY different from day one. At one time, I actually tried to get up and leave. Eric was the first to come to my aide. I am sure he could see the terror and anguish in my face and asked if he could perform Reiki on me and help me through my difficult journey. I could see the compassion and love in his face, a face that had an undertone of a feline spirit, at the time. As if my spirit guide effortlessly entered him and assisted in the Reiki healing. I could only describe the Reiki as a life raft in an infinite ocean of misery. He guided me and helped me breathe through the experience. When the Ceremony ended on the second night, I was a new man. I had so much Hate and fear and anger going into that weekend, and I was able to let it ALL go. I found an inner peace and calm that I had never known before. To this day I have not had the emotion of anger. I left a truly spiritual entity. The following week before heading home Eric offered to do another Reiki session (outside of the painful experience on day two). I jumped at the opportunity because I felt such a kinship with this man I had never met before. The day of my flight we used his healing room and I had never felt so comfortable and safe as I did during the session. He taught me how to meditate, and center myself for the coming weeks. It has been the most important lesson I have ever learned. Eric is an amazing spiritual healer, guide, and has become a true friend.
Coming soon! ...
Coming soon! ...
Working with Eric was such a grounding and enlightening experience. I felt a sense of safety with his process of walking me through the steps, and him offering suggestions while asking for consent throughout each phase. His focus was felt as I observed myself gradually sinking into the energy of his work. When we ended, his intuitive guidance was highly accurate and gave me concrete actions to take moving forward. I would recommend anyone looking for a strong yet safe male energy worker to trust Eric implicitly!
Coming soon! ...
Introducing ... The Peaceful Warrior Healing Haven!
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that promotes balance and relaxation. It is based on the idea that a universal life force energy flows through all living things and that this energy can be harnessed to promote healing and well-being. Reiki is an art of hand healing originated in Japan by Mikao Usui(臼井甕男1865-1926)in 1922. The original term for this is 心身改善臼井氣療法 Shin Shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho or “Usui Reiki Therapy for Improving Body and Mind”. Reiki is an energy healing or natural therapy carried out by placing hands on the body. By doing so, a therapist receives Reiki energy from the Universe and transmits the energy onto the receiver. This miraculous energy awakens the natural healing ability of the person who receives it. Reiki not only can positively impact physical health but can also improve psychological well being. For the past decades, it has become very popular in the World, especially in the Western countries as Europe and the US. It has become recognized as one important effective alternative medicine in some countries.
Present into the future
Unlike in Europe or the US, Japan-the homeland of Reiki has had a completely different situation. Recently, Reiki has slowly been known among people but absolute majority of Japanese people still don’t know about this wonderful non-religious energy healing originated in Japan. Prewar time in Japan, Reiki became very popular and was practiced by over one million people. After the World War 2, because of the connection to the Japanese Navy, Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, (the organization that Usui sensei established) had to stop their outstanding activities even though people kept practicing Reiki quietly at home. With the dramatic change of the ideologies in postwar Japan, the people gradually had lost interest and belief in this kind of healing arts. The post war American "occupation" of Japan not only influenced Japanese culture to adopt Western science practices but forced the Reiki movement underground and prohibited it's practice among other ancient healing practices and beliefs that may have been lost to the ages. Thankfully, enough people remained practicing it cautiously and carefully passing it on in secret during this timespan due to the power of the practice, the power of their belief in it's healing efficacy as well as their courage to not conform and adapt themselves to the oppressive forces imposing their own will and beliefs upon they and their fellow people.
Recently, with the popularity in the West, Reiki has started to be acknowledged slowly in Japan too. However, the mainstream of Reiki taught in Japan is “Western Reiki”- Reiki which was reintroduced from the West. It has Western influence in the practice of Reiki. In many Reiki teachings of the Western lineage in Japan, some important elements of the original Reiki essence appears to have disappeared. People had been trying to find original teachings which have no Western influence and thankfully one has emerged in time.
Jikiden Reiki
The large majority (99%) of Reiki currently being practiced in Japan is Western style Reiki even though Reiki comes originally from Japan. At one point, it was believed that Western style Reiki was the only surviving Reiki and that there were no longer any practitioners in Japan, so when Reiki was reintroduced to Japan, those people who were interested visited North America to learn it. In the late 1990s, Chiyoko Yamaguchi, a Japanese lady who learned Reiki from Usui sensei’s direct disciple- Chujiro Hayashi in 1938 came to light. She was initiated to Reiki at age of 17. After that, she practiced Reiki throughout her life until she passed away in 2003. Her being was so precious that a lot of people in the Reiki community requested her to teach what she had learned from Hayashi. She started teaching with her son Tadao Yamaguchi in 1999 with the name Jikiden Reiki (直傳靈氣). ”Jikiden” means directly teaching (of/from Chujiro Hayashi). Now, the activity has been continued by Tadao Yamaguchi and is also being carried forward by Tadao's son (and Chiyoko's grandson) Yohei Yamaguchi. Yohei was at my first Reiki Master Class with me in Southern California, learning and teaching some too during the group Reiki practical application sessions with clients during the week long courses. He can be seen in the grainy group photo (8th from the left) in the Ying/Yang photo gallery directly above. Jikiden Reiki certified healers practice this original and powerful Japanese Reiki which has become very popular in Japan and abroad today.
Mikao Usui
Reiki Founder
(1865 -1926)
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
Founder of Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai
per Mikao Usui sensei's request
(1879 - 1940)
Chiyoko Yamaguchi
Co-Founder of the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai
(1921 - 2003)
Tadao Yamaguchi
Co-Founder and Current President of the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai/ Institute (Son of Chiyoko Yamaguchi)
(1952 - )
Frank Arjava Petter
Vice President of Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai
World renowned Reiki teacher and author (Eric's teacher)
(1960 - )
Eric Kurzenberger
Your Reiki Master
(1982 - )
Interested in more info regarding reiki? Click below to learn more
Western Reiki is a powerful form of alternative healing that promotes physical, mental, and emotional balance. It involves the transfer of energy from practitioner to client to promote healing and relaxation. During this Western Reiki Master Level 1 Course I hosted at my event space, my mentor Shunya taught us the basics of Reiki attunement for Level 1 so I could see what differed from the two approaches of Western Reiki and Jikiden Reiki.
I apprenticed under him during his instruction to learn how to teach Reiki and was also invited to add some elements to a lesson that I had learned through my Jikiden Reiki Master courses Level 1 and 2. We all completed our Western Reiki Master Level 1 Certifications in this training. Wester Reiki Master Level 2 Course is coming in the Spring. Inquire with Eric for pricing and available dates if you would like to attend a training or host your event at the Healing Haven.
Feel free to contact Eric with any inquiries you may have about any topic.
Mira Mesa, San Diego, California 92126, United States
Fundraiser for Healing Spirit Sanctuary
Thank you for your generous donations which helped us build a cozy and sustainable retreat center for holistic health and healing practices for the Southern California region! Any further donations will go towards recouping costs for the renovations that needed to be completed after a major flood that had occurred on site last year.