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The original Sanskrit word गुरु guru was an adjective to denote "worthy of respect". Hindi used it as a noun for spiritual guide (Hindu teacher). It is formed by gu, 'ignorance' and ru, 'the remover'; 'one who removes ignorance'. Since then it has taken on numerous iterations in varied vernaculars.
"The tradition of reverence for a guru continues in several denominations within modern Hinduism, but rather than being considered as a prophet, the guru is seen as a person who points the way to spirituality, oneness of being, and meaning in life. In modern neo-Hinduism, guru may refer to entirely different concepts, such as a spiritual advisor, or someone who performs traditional rituals outside a temple, or an enlightened master in the field of tantra, yoga or eastern arts, who derives his authority from his experience."
I mean no disrespect to the Hindu culture of it's origin or to the many true great masters of the varied religions and disciplines who have been ascribed the honorary term Guru. I utilize the term in its more secular modern language usage.
"The literal translation of guru is someone who is a 'dispeller of darkness. The darkness here is ignorance. Though any master teacher is sometimes referred to as a guru (nowadays the word guru is used in English very loosely), traditionally guru refers to a religious or spiritual teacher who not only has deep knowledge that can lead to moksha (liberation or enlightenment), but also has direct experience of Divine vision or grace, which has been assimilated into their way of being." (
Unfortunately, some have used the title and position of power delineated by Guru to use their power and wisdom towards a darker and selfish purpose. This practice is ignorant, to take those entrusting in you as a guide, to lead them towards your own selfish ends. Some spiritual leaders can employ their skills to ensnare and hypnotize their followers to go against their own self-realization and alignments.
I do not claim to have followers, nor do I seek to accrue any. I do not desire to use any of my wisdom or trust handed to me, to use it other than helping others find their own way forward on their own path. Taking those who are seeking betterment and confusing their inner compass only leads to further ignorance, pain and suffering. Those who do this are not Gurus and demean the title. They are predators who perhaps might require further enlightenment themselves from a true Guru. I am also not claiming to be the person who can help them as they likely have the tools to help themselves if they care enough to utilize them for goodness sake.
A person with knowledge and expertise.
A person that is generally recognized as a teacher or leader.
Any person who counsels or advises; mentor.
A personal spiritual teacher or guide.
A person skilled in something who gives advice.
An intellectual or spiritual guide or leader.
A mentor, guide, expert, or master of certain knowledge or field.
Any leader, mentor, etc. who is regarded as being deeply influential or charismatic.
The word GURU is often used as an abbreviation to describe someone who is an expert in a particular field or has extensive knowledge and experience in a given area. The term is often used in industry, academia, and other specialized circles to refer to individuals who are especially knowledgeable or skilled in their field.
"A true guru is not the one who instructs you, but the one who inspires you to discover the answers within yourself."
"Don't wait for a Guru. Life is your Guru."
Krishna Das
"A guru is someone who sees the potential in you, even when you don't see it in yourself."
"A guru is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others."
"Guru is the one who lights the lamp of wisdom within us."
Swami Vivekananda
"The best thing that you can do for your guru is what is ultimately best for yourself."
The late great Ram Dass is my favorite guru who leads with wisdom, humor and humility. I recommend getting lost in his longer lectures as this is just a taste on one of my favorite topics he covers in much greater depths in various talks. (This video was recently taken down so I will need to find the replacement for it :( But there are plenty more to search for on your own)
Alan Watts was one of the first Gurus I encountered when searching for wisdom beyond what I had been exposed to in my many years of traditional education which still left a lot out and a lot yet to be desired. I heard his name mentioned in a men's group I attended following the bread crumb trail seeking guidance, support and community from one pathway to the next. You never know where you will find your next most powerful lesson to set you on your next step of your journey, so just keep venturing on. Never give up if you can carry on.
Krishnamurti was the next Guru I came upon my in my quest to detach myself as best anyone can from the many illusions of our ego. A quest I am still very much so on if it is in question still at this point. He is very sweet, humble and funny. He reminds me of Yoda in how he presents himself but also in how he imparts his wisdom with the occasional chortle.