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There's not a lot of good humor in medicine, but there's a lot of medicine in good humor.
~Josh Billings~
Minding what you put into your body can keep you healthy physically and emotionally. This means thoughts, emotions and beliefs so pay attention to what you hear on the inside as sometimes they are just the echoes of what we heard from the outside long before we realized that we should have never believed what we heard in the first place. Also be mindful of what you allow yourself to be exposed to on the outside, as negative energy can find a home anywhere it lands. Breathwork practices are a good way to move, clean and clear out some of these long held emotional wounds or stuck thoughts. The beauty of breathwork is that breathing is free and depending on the type of breath technique can be done sitting or lying completely still at a very low energy cost. Breathwork can be utilized for yin/calming energy as well as yang/activating energy depending on what is called for so the more techniques you learn the more tools you have on your belt to keep your balance.
Protect yourself from your Worry Monster with meditation, (yin) yoga, somatic practices and other mindfullness techniques.
Protect yourself from your Worry Monster with yang activation energy by starting a new creative project, pursuing a new passion or rekindling a previous interest or just by enjoying being active out in nature.