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Eric took on the stage name Erick Costello for several reasons. Costello is Eric's family name on his mother's side. His mother, Karen Costello Matthews, first taught him how to sing, dance and act as a young boy and pushed him through his shyness to find comfort in performing in front of large audiences. The surname was also chosen as a tribute to his late cousin, Sean Costello, who tore through the Blues music scene as a prodigy on the guitar throughout his career. Besides touring with many of the great's including B.B. King, he was the band director, lead guitarist and vocalist for Susan Tedeshi's breakout album which was nominated for a Grammy in 2000 in the category of Best New Artist. Sean was solely responsible for Eric falling in love with edgy vocals and soulful, gritty blues. Watching him perform straight from the depths of his soul helped plant the seed to wonder if Eric too might have a voice worth sharing with the world. Eric also comes from a strong musical family on his father's side of the family, going generations back. His father, John Kurzenberger, exposed Eric to an eclectic array of musical genres from very early on, listening to the musical magick of Stevie Wonder while still in his mother's womb. Eric never would have acquired such an immersive and eclectic musical education without his father's intense and undying appreciation for music and the thoughtful, tender care with which he passed on this passion, which influences Eric's musicality to this very day.
This track was inspired by David Archuletta's performance on American Idol but he only covered the first few verses. Eric made it his own, and recorded the song in it's entirety. Phil Bensen, laid the guitar track, for this recording which they performed live together to open Creating Community.
Phil Bensen is still a true blue friend who experienced strong success in the musical industry right out of the gate, opening solo to stadiums of thousands when touring with the Jonas Brothers early in his music career. He has also opened for other pop icons like Demi Lovato, Nick Lachey, Lifehouse and Blues Traveler. After moving to the west coast, he shifted focus on opening up his own successful pizza business and started a family with his long time love Crystal. He recounts that playing this song about climate change for Creating Community, lit his spark to start writing music again. His latest Singer Songwriter music project, "The West" was inspired by his journey over the last several years and can be found on Spotify and Apple Music. Check him out at @thebensen on twitter
Nick Perri is a long time friend from way back. He is a Rock God and guitar prodigy who came down from LA to be the finale of my Creating Community Project. He opened for Aerosmith and opened for/toured with Van Halen while still in high school with his band Silvertide. He has also played for/toured internationally with Shinedown, Perri Farrell's Satellite Party, his younger sister Christina Perri and many more. He's been featured on major motion picture soundtracks such as Transformers and Lady in the Water where he performs with his original band Silvertide in the film. He has been a founding member of several bands including Silvertide, SINAI and Mount Holly. His latest project is Nick Perri & The Underground Thieves which can be scoped out at
Sound healing at Mesa Rim Rock Climbing Yoga Studio, collaborating with the talented Kyle Weigh and Pearl Mann. Instruments I played during this sound healing include sun and moon attuned gongs, tube chimes, hand pan drum, Vietnamese mouth harp, windsinger wands, frame drum and Tibetan singing bowl.
Recently I attended a plant medicine ceremony where Eric was one of the guides for the retreat. I was, in fact, hoping for a divine experience but was to say the least, a bit skeptical. My skepticism in the potential impact of what I was about to embark on, may have originated from a plethora of factors; the foreign nature of the process coming from a military background, Christian faith-based religion, traditional values, conservative views and an older generation, being over 60. The ceremony took place in a beautiful location, that did in fact feel sacred, but I did remain at least, in part, skeptical even as it began. I don’t know how, but it appeared Eric sensed this in me. He came around the room to anoint each participant with oils and prayer to initiate the ceremony. When he finally put his hands on me, I felt an immediate warmth throughout my body slowly descend down from where he had his hands on my shoulders all the way down to the tips of my toes. Once again I am uncertain how Eric intuited what I needed midway through the ceremony, but he was right there with a calm word, a gentle touch, or an appropriate question for me, checking in with how I was doing. Even with the fear of delving into the unknown and uncertain, as this was all new to me, I felt more confident in his presence than I have felt in many years and more comfortable amidst all the discomfort than I was able to be throughout a variety of other potentially and actual unnerving experiences throughout my life. I cannot explain how or why about any of this ... it simply just was and is true. The ceremony itself was a wonderful experience and included music that Eric also helped to produce. I was blessed to sit next to the musicians in the ceremony space which was a delight being a musician for the entirety of my life, from a young boy to now. The music throughout the entire evening was exquisite, of the highest caliber and moved me deeply throughout the entire journey. After the ceremony had ended, everyone else had moved on into different rooms to allow me and one other participant to continue who were still journeying, everyone ... except Eric. Eric stayed with us and tended to us, to ease us through the remainder of our process whether it was with providing us with an extra blanket when the chills came on or grounding us. I highly recommend getting to know Eric to enjoy his intuitive, spiritual, and peaceful nature.
Traveled with instruments to provide a sound healing session within the comfort of participants own personal space.
Sound healing sessions can be performed in the comfort of anyone's home for individual or group sessions all throughout the Southern California region. Most spaces can be adapted to accommodate a session. This audio recording is from the time lapsed video of the group travel session featured above.
"To start, it's difficult to put into words how important Eric was in our healing journey. He is a magical human being and we are grateful to have met him. We recently received guidance from him at a retreat in Idyllwild. Although there we were part of a group of 12, Eric provided individualized support to everyone. His therapy comes in many forms. He provided reiki when someone was struggling in the process, allowing them a shift in energy for deeper healing. He sings and plays music so beautifully, somehow always perfect for wherever you are and what you need at the moment. Above all, he creates a safe, sacred space for vulnerability, sharing, connection, and love. A shoulder to cry on, a therapist to provide emotional support and direction, a one-man band playing incredible symphonies. Eric is empathic and profoundly intuitive. There were times when we needed help and without saying a word he appeared to comfort us. If you have any hesitations about being safe in a psychedelic retreat, we highly recommend working with Eric. You will be in the best possible care. He radiates a profound love and responsibility for your journey that carries far beyond the retreat. Thank you, Eric, for sharing your gift with us."
Initial snippet of my weekly Sound Healing offering at Union Yoga in San Diego. Come take a pause from doing-energy and ground into being-energy in the present moment. Come for Yin Yoga to dive even deeper into the depths of your subconscious and explore your natural altered states of consciousness.
Eric is striving to become a "one stop shaman" in the service of others, jestingly referring to the "jack of all trades" level of mastery he offers based on what is desired with his Shamanist work. If you want to lead your own style of event, be it ceremony to celebratory or any combination therein, Eric can be hired to support you in designing your own experience at his space, a separately rented space or within the comfort of your own home. Here Eric is pictured supportively vamping with his hand pan, beneath a poetry performance at a celebration of love event, where he later supported a cacao ceremony and earlier had performed a puppet show with the same talented genius pictured with him here. Jarrod Ekengren, is the lead organizer for the Southern California Psychedelic Society Aware Project, who requested Eric's support in bringing his brilliant brainchild to life at his home space. This event included Eric building a puppet stage and transporting it to Jarrod's home for their collaborative puppet theater performance in honor of his beloved fiancée Rose.
Playing one of the hand pan drums at the altar in Joshua Tree between group plant medicine ceremonies during a meditation retreat weekend years ago. I didn't have a whole lot of experience at the time so I was working it out but attuned to it by the third video. This was my medicine woman's new hand pan that had beautiful tones. Eventually I purchased her previous hand pan from her but have since sold that one for an even nicer toned one.
Laura is a Music Therapist, Vocal Coach, Professional Musician & Tantra Workshop Facilitator. We first worked together in the CA School System on the same complex cases, her as a Music Therapist and I, as an OT. She left the school system to start her own music and healing arts career path by starting up several businesses. Our paths crossed again in similar social circles. When reconnected, we chose to collaborate on some future projects together. She's a talented powerhouse with a huge heart!
I was asked to support further building the community network around Soleiman, Jennifer and Laura's Living Body Lab clients by being the bartender for their social mixer as well as setup and breakdown. They previewed the completed Sizzle Reel for the film I was a part of at this event. It was a great success, as usual. Looking forward to the next one.
Shortly after we reconnected, Laura asked me if I was interested in auditioning for her joint project to create a Sizzle Reel to pitch a Neo-Tantra series to various streaming networks about the work that her and her business partners do to transform lives. After auditioning, I was selected to be one of the cast members and participated for the entire film weekend. The film is still in the editing process but it was such a fun project to be a part of as they all showed their skill sets in helping people connect with themselves and others in ways our society often does not encourage or educate us around.
After the Sizzle Reel Film Production wrapped, I was asked to support Living Body Lab in one of their 7 Week long Workshops. I helped with setup, aesthetics design, tech support, registration, photography, breakdown, space holding, partnering their clients and being part of their demonstrations. One of the weeks, Laura was not able to attend and I stepped into the role of music support which included singing songs along with my guitar as well as playing sound healing and activating instruments during meditations lead by Jennifer. This was a similar role I stepped into for Soleiman's 9 Week long Neo-Tantra Workshop that occurred more recently (referenced below in his Testimonial) but this supporting role focused more on musicianship, singing, space holding, sound healing and partnering participants. I also supported another weekend workshop the 3 of them held all together. Pictures I took from a few of the events, including some artistic design elements I was tasked with, are in the photo gallery below.
Teaser of the Living Body Lab Community Summer Mixer
Laura and I cohosted my Souree Sensualle event around Valentine's Day Weekend for Couples and Singles to connect with themselves, their senses and community. I turned every room and space on my property into an experiential adventure for all attendees. I also MC'd to introduce Laura's new dance troupe that was debuting at this very same event at my space. The event got rave reviews and will return by popular demand someday when I have the time and space to host it once again. Let me know if you have an event you would like me to MC, co-host at your chosen location or host at my home turf event space, The Healing Haven.
"I have enjoyed working with Eric at my workshops. His musical accompaniment to the opening set the tone for the evening. I would recommend Eric to anyone who wants to bring some music to their workshop." ~Soleiman B.